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Patient reviews

Please send us your opinion

The best doctor I have ever met, professional, full of empathy. He helped us a lot. I recommend it to everyone

We recommend with a clear conscience! A great doctor with great knowledge! He will always explain everything very carefully. He helped us many times. Very nice.

Very nice as a pediatrician, with an approach to children. Specific and competent. The home visit was quick and comprehensive at the same time. I recommend it very much! It also helps electronically, which makes life easier and takes stress away from parents;)

very nice and specific answer to the problem that bothers me. You can see that the doctor likes what he does, and they are the most effective

A very professional approach, clearly explained, a young doctor with knowledge that one doctor with more experience could envy them.

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Your opinion

We invite you to express your opinion on our Institute.
Thanks to them, we will be able to constantly improve the quality of our services.